Saturday, November 10, 2007

Online mind games

I spend hours every day on the web. Like most people I enjoy the many facets of this new media delivery platform...and as a result my mind is engaged in a whole variety of ways. Think about it for one second:

Am I really in the same frame of mind when I'm writing email to my friends via my hotmail account as I am when I'm reading political stories in my online newspaper The Guardian . How about when I'm reading about my favourite English football team on blogs, or checking out the weather, or buying a book or, heaven forbid, doing some research for work. Add in the fact that I can now listen to the radio, watch a video or move into creative mode - well like now - and it's literallly almost limitless the way this media can work different areas on my brain.

All very well..but what about the advertising. In most places I see the same old banners running, advertising low rate mortgages, anti spam solutions and any number of holiday destinations I'd be lucky to get home alive from.

In my business we try to reach people in certain frames of mind (normally just before they decide to buy something they didn't know they wanted or needed) however on the web the delivery of the message is often designed to run homogeonously across multiple sites. Also we judge performance across the range of sites without adding in any factor as to how well we have succeeded in embedding the message into the targets mind. Something just does not feel right with that.

Recent research we have done shows online is less effective at leaving awareness signals in the targets brain than say traditional print media (by far a more one dimensional media vehicle). One wonders though to what extent is this a function of media or of the mind.

Mind you when it comes to the web do we really mind at all ?

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